Tuesday, February 23, 2010

oh joys of family

Ok, so I love my family. But, Some of them need to start worrying about someone other than themselves.! Oh and expecting sympathy automatically. Hellooooo if you got off your ass and did something and tried to fix what was wrong with your life, instead of expecting someone else to do it for you, HEY! you might not be in such bad shape.
I'm sorry, I love you all but I am tired of hearing about your problems! I'll listen if you have an intent on trying to fix them, instead of just complaining to me about them. You can't expect everything to be handed to you on a silver platter, sometimes you have to jump in head first! quit sticking your toes in the water to see if its cold, Sink or swim, you'll figure it out! But you just can't expect people to do it for you! YOU need to do something about it!!!!


  1. Hey, I love me too. Of course I need sympathy. My derriere is for sitting, so why would I get off it? I will do my best not to bring you my problems since you refuse to fix them. Maybe if I send my list to Santa he will help me...

  2. Rachel....it's a cruel world out here. LMAO- DON'T give up!!!!
